"Do you have trouble getting to sleep? Does it sometimes take hours?"

Hi! I am Lucretia Donahue-Reed M.S.

"There is help"
And here I have, The 'Must Get Sleep Survival Guide' that I created for people who suffer from poor sleep. In it you get the 5 easy steps to getting better sleep which I talk you through in the teaching video. 

I explain how sleep and mood are interconnected as well as physical health. 

You learn the best ways to set yourself up for good sleep. 

"The Must Get Sleep Survival Guide"
~ A concise and powerful resource. It can change your life.
If you are the kind of person who has trouble getting to sleep, or you wake up in the night and then can't get back to sleep, it can take hours. And sometimes this goes on night after night until you are so exhausted but you still can't sleep.

"You Can Survive"

Poor sleep is not a trivial thing. Being tired can interfere with how you function. It can change your mood and even lead to depression. It leaves you exhausted and less able to cope with regular day-to-day stress. Without sleep, your body and brain are not resting and rejuvenating. You stay under constant stress.
The "Must Get Sleep Survival Guide" has the tips and tricks that you need to get to sleep faster and to have better sleep. The guide helps you make out a plan that is just for you. 

You can have better sleep even if  you can't remember the last time you had a good, solid night of sleep. And when you sleep better, you will feel rested. You will be in a better mood. You will feel like doing more and enjoying your day and the people around you.

~I Used These Concepts Myself~
~ I went through a long period of time in which I kept waking up at 2:00 in the morning. I then would be unable to go back to sleep until about 5:00 am with my alarm going off at 6:00 am! It was wearing me down!

That is why I put the ideas in the "Must Get Sleep Survival Guide" to use for myself! It took about two weeks and then I was sleeping through the night.

In Addition
You'll Get These Bonuses!
Bonus #1 - Two Tools to Get Started Meditating for Sleep
Total Value: $10.00
- The Belly Breathing Technique
There is an effective way to do deep breathing for relaxation. Includes video instruction.

- Guided Meditation for Sleep
Use deep breathing as you settle in and then listen to this guided meditation to help you sleep.
Bonus #2 - The Tranquil Coloring One-Pager
Total Value: $10
~Tranquil Coloring One-Pager in which I explain how coloring is beneficial to adults' physical and mental health. I share a video of coloring a mandala and I have compiled several links you can use that take you to FREE printable adult coloring pages.
Here Is My Guarantee
I do make a guarantee. If you are not pleased, just send me an email and I will give you a full refund of your $3. But I do believe you're going to like what you receive!

Here's One Last Recap Of Everything You'll Get today When You Order My "Must Get Sleep Survival Guide."
You Could Get The Script That Has Made Me More Money Than Anything Else I've Ever Done In This Business.
YES Lucretia! I want your limited time offer!
  Instant Access To the 'Must Get Sleep Survival Guide'
  Instant Access to 'Two Tools to get Started Meditating for Sleep' 
  Instant Access to the 'Tranquil Coloring' One-Pager
Total Value: $30
Today Just $3
It worked for me and you can get better sleep, too!
Wishing you a cherished calm and peace,
Lucretia Donahue-Reed M.S.
YES LUCRETIA! Give Me Instant Access To the 'Must Get Sleep Survival Guide' RIGHT NOW For Just $3.00 !
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Everything You're Going To Get
  • Instant Access To The 'Must Get Sleep Survival Guide'
  • ​Instant Access To 'Two Tools to Get Started Meditating for Sleep'
  •  Instant Access To The 'Tranquil Coloring' One-Pager
Total Value: $30
Today Just $3

ONE TIME OFFER - Only $7: Listening to someone read a story can lead you easily into slumber. The audio recording of 'The Magical Path of the Dream Coach' is three stories about what happens when the Dream Coach visits! You can listen to it and drift off into peaceful sleep. (60 min) Not offered at any other time.

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Dynamically Updated $XX.00
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